Term Dates
Please find below downloadable PDF versions of our school calendar for the current academic year (2024-25) and the next academic year (2025-26).
Some key facts and information on school attendance:
Pupils attend school for a maximum 190 days each academic year. Full attendance is vital for your child’s educational progress. The school regards absence as a very serious concern and it is a proven fact there is a clear link between poor attendance at school and lower academic achievement (Department for Education (DfE), 2012). Please see school advice below:
Unauthorised leave of absence and late arrival
If your child is persistently late the school can issue a penalty notice to the parent or carer. A maximum of 7 late attendances during any 1 half term could mean you'll receive a penalty notice.
We strongly advise against disrupting your child’s schooling for a holiday during term time.
Government guidelines say leave of absence during term time should not be granted by the school except in the most exceptional of circumstances.
First offence - The first time a Penalty Notice is issued for term time leave or irregular attendance will be an amount of £160 per parent per child when paid within 28 days or reduced to £80 per parent per child if paid within 21 days.
Second offence (within 3 years) - The second time a Penalty Notice is issued for term time leave will be an amount of £160 per parent per child paid within 28 days.
Third offence (and any further offences within 3 years) - The third time a Penalty Notice is issued for term time leave, the case will be presented straight to the Magistrates court, where fines of up to £2500 per parent, per child can be issued.