Ramadhan Arrangements - Important
A reminder that the school will operate at a later start time of 9am and close at 3pm sharp. Lesson
timetables will change to reduce the length of lessons by 5 minutes to enable this.
The 9am school start time will commence from Tuesday 7th May 2019 (unless you have emailed the
school to request for an 8am start). The last day of half term is 24th May when the school will close for two weeks for the last 10 days of Ramadhan and 'Eid ul Fitr Insha’Allah after which school will be operating within the usual hours.
Parents who cannot adapt to the late start due to work commitments or other mitigating circumstances were given the opportunity to book for the 8am start. The deadline for this booking has passed.
Please note: if your child is fasting, please send in a packed lunch in the case that they need to break
their fast; also inform the class teacher via email that your child will be fasting partly or all of the month of Ramadhan.