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Trip to RAF Heritage Centre Hornchurch

Year 5 looked at World War II. This was linked to their book they are reading, "Friend and Foe" in English. They have been looking at the life of evacuees and Operation Pied piper as part of their Navigate curriculum as well. Some of the questions they explored are: What was the purpose behind Operation Pied Pier? What lessons did we learn from the evacuation process? And more importantly, how can we learn to live in peace? Pupils really enjoyed the workshops and dressing-up as well!

' I really enjoyed dressing up in a pilot hat and goggles' Ilyas

' I really enjoyed the loud air sirens and trying out an old telephone! They had a sofa that was made out of horse hair' Umer

' My favourite part of the trip was learning about Spitfires. We also got to pack our own suitcases. This allowed us to decide what was important for us to pack during an evacuation. We could only take 20 items with us. My other favourite part was hearing the loud air sirens, and we had to lie on the floor!' Mustafa