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Friend or Foe?

Year 5 are currently reading the book 'Friend or Foe' by Micheal Murpogo for English. The story is about two boys, David and Tucky, who are evacuated from London during World War II and settle into life on a farm in Devon.

Pupils have been fascinated by the title and the theme of the book.  Here are some of their thoughts about the story so far and how they felt trying on an actual WW2 Air Raid Wardens' hat!


 " This is a photo of my husband's grandfather who was an air raid warden near Birmingham during WW2. The hat is made of metal and is very heavy! It is over eighty years old!" Mrs Mirza

" Today I got to try a real WW2 hat! This relates to our book "Friend or Foe" that we are reading in English. Britain was at War with Germany. Two German fighters crashed into a bog in Devon and one of them saved David's life-so he wasn't as evil as I thought he might be! " Hanna

 " Today I tried on a real WW2 hat. It felt very heavy and uncomfortable". It must have been uncomfortable for the soldiers as well. My favourite part is when David and Tucky were arguing if they should help the injured German soldier. I actually felt sorry for him and thought he might have been forced to fight for his country" Uways