yr3 Arabic resources April - July (Summer term)
More resources to be uploaded soon inshallah.
More resources to be uploaded soon inshallah.
This week, Year 3 took part in Odd Sock Day to celebrate our uniqueness and Glow day to emphasise on being seen in the winter months when travelling on the roads!
In D&T we have been making volcanoes!
Arabic spelling list Autumn 2022-23
Arabic spelling is due every Thursday.
Please see notes below on how to practise.
You might find it useful to practise using quizlet.com.
year 3 | spelling | autumn term 1 | |
year 3 | spelling | autumn term 2 | |
year 3 | spelling | autumn term 1 and 2 combined | |
year 3 | spelling | class invite link |
In this unit of Art Year 3 have learnt how to weave. They have been spending any spare moment to use their fine motor skills to weave beautiful patterns into the loom.
We have had a great opportunity to start swimming in Year 3. As you can see in the picture above the children are thoroughly enjoying splashing about and learning new skills!
Last week we had our Drop Down Day at the Allotment and Park. We were focusing on our harmony principle of Cycles. We spent the day sketching trees, creating pictures using natural objects found in the park and creating role plays on the cycles of a seed. In the picture above you can see the Year 3 children hard at work!
In Science, we have been learning about 'Plants'.
We have allowed the potatoes to go through the process of ‘chitting’ and have now planted them into soil to watch them grow. InshaAllah
Children spent time today writing Ramadan cards for their loved ones.