Smoothie making!
Year 3 have been planning and creating their own healthy smoothies!
Year 3 have been planning and creating their own healthy smoothies!
Getting our 'fingers green' by planting beans and tomatoes!
Bridge Blunder activity. Can we find a solution?
Blueberry Tree pupils dressed up as their favourite book characters!
The spectacular entrance to the British Museum!
In Geography we are learning all about volcanoes. We carried out an experiement to make our very own volcanoes using baking soda and mixed it with vinegar. This stimulates a reaction to take place and make a vinegar volcano.
We really enjoyed designing and decorating our mountains using card and paint. Everybody enjoyed watching each other's eruptions!
What kind of hat would you wear? What would it look like?
Children in Blueberry class have been making simple weaving looms and practising their weaving skills. They were able to thread a piece of yarn through the loom using the shuttle (needle) and apply a range of sewing techniques and stitches to combine and decorate their material. They did a great job and showed lots of resilience!
This term, we will be looking at Ancient Egypt. The children were asked to explore this period in history at home and present their learning.
Children were able to research and display their findings through creating some fantastic projects. The children were able to share with their friends what they had made and what interesting facts they learnt about Ancient Egypt. Here are some of our pictures!
This half-term, we are looking at the Stone Age period in our lessons. The children created some amazing projects for their homework after doing some research.
Year 3 started their year with a BANG!